Working for Irish Breeders

Smart Worming

A Sustainable Approach to Equine Worming
Smart Worming

Smart Worming - A Sustainable Approach to Equine Worming

With the increase of resistance in worms it is becoming much more important to have a SMART approach to worming. This prevents clinical signs of disease, reduces the development of resistance and anti-parasiticides in the environment. Smart approaches includes simple monitoring, assessing the risk and treating accordingly.

More information and resources can be found at

De-worming Calendar

Vets now recommend diagnostic-led parasite control programmes for horses in order to prevent the effects of worms whilst minimising the development of resistance. The below annual calendar is an ideal way to check which worms to advise testing for and treating at each time of year, and the recommended treatment for each type of worm.

Worming Calendar.png

Dec 08
Next Generation NH Pinhook Panel
ARVAC Update
IEVA Breeding Symposium
ITBA HQ, Greenhills, Kill, Kildare, Ireland. W91 FY62
+353 45 877 543